To connect our procurement network, we held an event for key individuals responsible for supply chain through our businesses. The first in-person event for this group since the pandemic, it was great to see our team from various companies and industries finding commonalities, sharing experiences and discussing approaches to procurement. Thank you to all the attendees who joined us from throughout North America.

The Art of Procurement
On the first day, the team was highly engaged in a training session by guest speaker Jill Button from ProcurePro Consulting on agile procurement, requirements and planning, competitive bid process, negotiation and supplier governance. With over 30 years of experience, Jill Button is an entrepreneur, strategic sourcing and supply chain expert who is passionate about teaching procurement.

On the second day, our group was given the great opportunity to learn more about their sister companies by touring some of our facilities.
Congratulations to the Procurement Champion

Just like our other network group and events within Canerector, a Champion was nominated by their peers to represent the procurement network. We are happy to congratulate the procurement champion this year, Tracy Cardell, Supply Chain Manager at Nordstrong Equipment. Tracy will assist in driving engagement through creating and developing training, events, and online content for the network.
Thank You Procurement Participants

Our thanks to Jill and the supply chain representatives who participated and shared their own approaches to procurement for making this fun event a success. We hope our procurement team enjoyed this opportunity to interact with their peers.