We have been very pleased with our previous network events, and are thrilled to see continued success. Our most recent network event was for the controllers of our companies. This event was this group’s first in-person gathering since the pandemic. It was a fantastic opportunity for accounting individuals to connect with their peers, share experiences and discuss common challenges. Our thanks to the attendees who travelled from all over North America to join us for this special occasion!
Strength in Numbers – Peer Idea Sharing and Collaboration

On the morning of the first day, our corporate office accounting team welcomed the group and opened the event with an overview of updated processes and tools. Round table discussions followed on the challenges controllers face during their day-to-day activities, giving the team the ability to share ideas and solutions with their peers.

In the afternoon, guest speaker Ron Tsang led a seminar on time management, focusing on more effective goal-setting, planning, and executing. A consultant, speaker and author, Ron Tsang specializes in transforming teams into higher performers. His highly engaging training sessions are focused on the intersection of communication, coaching, and culture development.
For this program, Ron worked in collaboration with the organization Business Training Works (BTW). BTW has helped people and companies achieve their learning and development objectives through courses, training sessions, and workshops on various business topics for over 20 years.

On the event’s second day, the group toured some of our facilities to learn more about their sister companies and how they operate.

Thank You to Our Accounting Team

Thank you to Ron and our accounting team, whose engagement and contributions made this event lively and fun. We hope our controllers enjoyed connecting with their peers and getting to know each other better.