It is with much pleasure that we, at Canerector, were able to resume our annual Presidents Meeting face-to-face this year. Following COVID-19, we have been eager for the wonderful opportunity to unite our company leaders in person.
One of the many benefits of this gathering is the opportunity for our presidents to share tips and business insights with each other.

This year saw many roundtables where our leaders got to take advantage of Canerector’s network for peer support and learning’s from people in a similar situation to them. Our leaders were arranged in random groups to discuss owning a niche, investing in your business, and selling for growth. These roundtable business discussions were an invaluable way for our executives to share how to best serve our customers, strategically build our businesses and target growth opportunities.
We also featured a trade show to give our companies a fresh opportunity to get reacquainted after the three year break. Our corporate departments had stations to share their initiatives, progress and plan for the year ahead. Each company showcased a poster board display to show their products and capabilities. It was a great event to inform, network, and further encourage relationship building between our leaders.

Over the course of the pandemic, we had many presidents earn their well-deserved retirement. Although we honoured them virtually, we had yet the chance to thank them in person. This year’s meeting finally afforded us the opportunity to properly recognize them face-to-face.
From a retiree back in February 2020 to an upcoming retiree in September 2022, it was a joy to share their stories and accomplishments, learning about the history and development of the businesses along the way.
In addition, we hosted a special session by retired Canerector CEO Cecil Hawkins. This session was a great time for our past and future retirees to come together to discuss their thoughts and expectations of retirement. Those that have already retired since 2020 shared how they coped with the adjustment of retirement and their greatest joys in this third stage of life.
Our sincere thanks to the presidents and their partners who were able to attend this year. We wish all the retirees the best in their future endeavours as well. We look forward to future gatherings and presidents’ meetings in the years ahead, creating lasting memories and relationships together with our business leaders.